Saturday 31 December 2011

Day 365

2011 has been a year full of sorrow, happiness, laughter, tears, and growth. I am sure we all learned something about ourselves and are hopefully not leaving 2011 the same way we entered it. We made it!!! I am not one to make New Years Resolutions But I will be doing these five things:

LEARNING – more about myself, my craft, my career, my destiny, my world
LEAVING – anything negative and unnecessary behind
LIVING- healthy, travelling and living life to the fullest
LOVING – and cherishing my close friends and family
LEAVING A LEGACY BEHIND- by being an example to my siblings, friends, and giving back to my community and charity whenever possible

So make 2012 a year of continued happiness and remember no one can make you happy but you! Stop looking at other people to define your happiness, define your own!! Because only you knows what truly makes you happy.

I hope everyone has had a wonderful year, and will make 2012 even better. 2012 will be an even better year for me and I pray it is for all of you as well! 


Anonymous said...

cool post :)

Tammie S. said...

I feel you on your five things to do in 2012! I have already started especially leaving negativity beind and trying not to add any of my own!
I feel this urgency to continue doing things I never thought I could during the coing year and like you, defining my own hapiness!

Unknown said...

Happy New Year to you too; I really like you Resolutions; may you keep them in Jesus Name. xxxAfeeyahxxx

The Low Country Socialite said...

happy new year to you honey! i hope we're following each other and that you'll be entering my giveaway!

Sincerely Mally said...

It was def. a year filled with life's lessons! Very inspirational post


Confessions Of A City Girl said...

Hope 2012 is amazing for you!!

Happy New year!
Check out my blog, comment, and follow if you like!
Confessions Of A City Girl

Unknown said...

Nice article! Happy new year..Wishing you all the best!

Juseneide said...

happy 2012 :D

Skinny said...


Anonymous said...

Happy New Year!
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