Outfit Details: Tee Shirt: American Apparel, Jacket: H&M, Slacks: GAP UK, Shoes: Pierre Hardy, Bag: Zara, Bracelets: Misc.

It seems I have been smiling a lot lately, right?. What's my secret? Being comfortable in my own skin, being happy with the person I have become, and the blessings and mercy that God continues to place in my life. Even the speed bumps that I met in life, give me a cause for joy because usually it makes me take a step back, and think about my life, what I want, and how to get there. I must admit I have met some amazing people in the last couple of years and have continued to keep close bonds with my friends in the States and Nigeria. So why wouldn't I smile, no one is going know how blessed I am if I don't.
Not to mention, I had to wear braces for two years at Howard from my freshman year to my Junior year (thank God my mother allowed me to get the clear brackets) and to be honest I might as well smile being that I had to wear them during a time when your image seemed like everything on Campus. Hope you had a fabulous weekend I definitely did!
Photographer: Oluwatosin Ogunlesi
Ahh your hair is too beautiful and super healthy love it!
Love the shoe! It's different!
so nice look)
great shoes))
like your jacket)))
Angela Donava
I love your hair! I don't this wild and feisty lady on my head would allow me to wear her like that daily! She has a mind of her own. And I am learning to smile a lot more too! Life is too short to waste frowning, and dwelling over things we can't fix or change! Joie to vivre is priceless and contagious! xxx
CUTE! Send me those shoes!
you have the bestest blazers and jackets
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