I dress for myself no one else, I love the classic look although sometimes I wish I was a bit more funky, nonetheless one thing in my closet that is classic and I love is this vintage Navy Blue Lord & Taylor blazer. I've had it for years now and every time I wear it feels like the first time!!! Hope everyone is having a blessed week, and if you aren't I pray it gets better!!!!! The weather in the UK has been surprisingly beautiful. Thank God for the Spring!

Blazer:Lord&Taylor/ Pants: H&M/ Vintage Sweater: Huddersfield Market/ Shoes:Zara/Bag: Vintage Gucci

Photographer: Joshua Esin
The second photo is my favorite. I like how causal yet chic this look is. Cool stuff
AG, Please Answer...How do you get your hair to look like that? do you curl or braid it? you should do a hair post pllllllllllllllllllsssssssssssssssssssssssssss
i am in LOE with that first photo. wow. and the fur stole is amazing. the whole look actually. well done girl
mademoiselle mimi
*that was meant to say LOVE...not LOE. smh
@Nice Anon- Thanks, I don't know why I thought you said cool fun first, don't mind me, lol!!
@Anon- I cut my hair (because my ends were splitting, I wasn't constantly trimming my hair, I will try to do a hair post in the future, but my hair will be drastically shorter, I'll tell you what I use , but its a twist out that I twist into bantu knots and hold in place with bobby pins...
@Mimi- Thanks, I think its about time I retire my fur stoles, the sun is coming out a lot more these days...:)
wow love your outfits you look fab always :D X
The blazer is fabulous, though. And how many of those fur stoles you got? lol. You look good.
I ddnt know you still had a blog! I thought you'd stopped...when u stopped updating soul boutique :)
n I love your afro! and the glasses. had a big chop last oct and due to all the stress now, i was thinking of relaxing it but seeing your fro has inspired me to keep mine...even though u've had urs for 7 years :s
pls do a hair post in future! wld love to know how u got it like that
I really like your silhouette; feminine and elegant.
love your outfit and your afro..
cant wait for mine to be like yours. ;)
I love your style Ag and this post cos of the date it was was posted :) Your hair is fab too!!!
I love your style, so classy and chic! GREAT blog too.
Fab shots...you look stunning!
love the look
Girl, you look fantastic! Love the classic look on you.
beautiful woman!! i want your hair :)
Look at your hair!!! It's growing so big, lovely!
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