Sunday 20 November 2011

Can't Make You Love Me

I used to be so naive when it came to relationships and love, and maybe I still am in certain arenas, but I now know a lot more than I did before. One thing I have learned from my past, my friends and family is you can't make someone love you, and even when you love someone it doesn't mean that it's forever.

I've seen people in love that for one reason or another their relationship didn't transform into a permanent union: marriage. I have been so sad when I see couples that I am rooting for breakup; however, for various reasons it didn't work and they may really love each other, but realistically they wouldn't have lasted forever. So they end it, deeply in love yet realistic of their separate futures. This is when I learned love does not always conquer all. And that failed relationship may lead you to the relationship you're meant to be in.

Or when people just grow apart. The love fades, the connection is no longer there, and things just aren't the same. You try to reach for that love and rekindle that passion but it doesn't re-flame. The candle has burned down to it's last days and you can't make the other person love you anymore. For whatever reason, love just couldn't conquer all.

You can't make your heart feel something it won't, and you shouldn't settle in a relationship because your afraid of being alone. These relationships either end in divorce or a loveless and bitter marriage/partnership. Why continue something that you know in the back of your mind won't last forever. When I say forever, 'forever' in itself doesn't come easy. Love is something you work at. My mother always tells me make sure you go out, and cherish each other now so you can have fond memories to remember when times get hard, and they will. But what keeps these relationships going is there was love and respect there from the very start. You can't force love and don't try too.

No matter how hard it hurts to separate from someone, if you notice there is no love; let go! It's better to cry now and your wounds heal now than to continue on, than one that never heals. Love doesn't always conquer all, and when you find love it takes work and dedication to make it last. I've learned and luckily found someone that I want to spend the rest of my life with. I'm no love specialist I am still very young myself and still learning, but I do know that when you love someone and someone loves you, you'll know. You should never have to fight for someones heart...because you can't make someone love you, and you shouldn't have to.

This Tank Vide has so much emotion and speaks to the heart! I love his version!!!


Sophie with her Illustrations said...

Helly my dear
I have to say honestly your words touched me. You went above and beyond to explain something that seems so complex and made it look effortless to explain. There's a quote that I will remember when you said that "You should never have to fight for someone's heart...because you can't make someone love you and you shouldn't have to." It's really clear and understanding. You are right it's better to cry now, heal the wombs now then settle in a relationship that's not meant to be.
Sophie :)

Anonymous said...

'never get into a relationship because you're afraid of being love.' learning to love myself has helped me through this.

SleekyStylish said...

It is so true..most people tend to love their relationship more than themselves..that should not the case.
Thanks for sharing

House of Brooke said...

This was a MUST READ...

I always tell people to try self love first and all the other love will come. I have soooo been up that road before and thanking GOD everyday that I matured & moved on.
Was it hard in the beginning yes. But I am healed & happy!
Have a wonderful week & happy holidays...

Muse Origins said...

Very true words! I know exactly what you mean

Muse Origins FB

Zena said...

This is my life story now, Love sometimes isn't enough is it

NRC♥ said...

I love what you wrote the song almost made me a little teary lol.


Ag said...

I am glad everyone liked this post! I definitely thought I should write on it. glad you all took something away from it!

Unknown said...

I love this remake!!! I still listen to the original too! <3

Joe said...

I'm in love with this song !