Monday 13 August 2012

African Fashion Week London - Recap

I know I've been terrible at blogging lately. My apologies, I've been dashing between Bradford, Edinburgh and London. and I'm finally out of Bradford!!! Not to talk of studying, African Fashion Week Kept me indoors designing and now I have to stock up my Etsy account. I've also become a Vintage Buyer for a friends upcoming website launching so let's just say I have a lot on my plate. But that still is no excuse please forgive me.

So I had an AMAZING time at African London Fashion Week. Great Networking, friends came out to support me and I even saw two of my high school friends randomly that came from the states, and great designs from my fellow designers.


Featured Designers are as follows: Ankara Chair: Bubushiiki, Studded Leather Anakara Jacket: Cococaramel, and hats: Lyzehats.


Tidy-Up Gal said...

ElDee!!! Nice! And, that chair? Genius!

Vivi N. said...

I want that chair.

I NEED that chair in my life. Like, yesterday.

Glad you had a great time at the event.

enwongo cleopas said...

The chair stole my heart. Never thought of such possibility before. You look great too.