Monday 7 November 2011

SuperNatural- Water

Do you live in the UK and is the hard water causing your hair to break? Now if you grew up in the UK, then
water may not be an issue for you. However, for people like myself who have moved to the UK from other climates like the United States, the British water is quite hard on natural hair and even relaxed hair.

Limescale is often an issue for British appliances, so imagine that type of build up in your hair over a period of time (not literally exaggerating a bit). Now some people have no issues with the British water, I myself do not have issues, but people have asked me what they could do to prevent their hair from breaking in the UK, as the weather here is harsh/cold and the water is hard. 

I replied with two things, in the winter you MUST use protective styles, moisturize, and leave your hair out only when needed, if you're hair is prone to breaking in cold climates. Two if the water is causing your hair to dry out and you've been moisturizing daily, do not wash your hair with tap water. Wash your hair with Bottled Water. I know you're thinking isn't that going to be expensive?!? It actually isn't that bad. Tesco, Morrison and Asda all sell Still Water 2L bottles that cost around 15p each. Thus you could buy 10 bottles for under the price of £2.  If you wash your hair twice monthly, then that is a mere £4! In the end, your hair will be less prone to breakage, and the results will be well worth it.

In short is your water too harsh? Substitute your water! You'll be amazed at the results!

1 comment:

House of Brooke said...

The water here is Atlanta, GA is VERY HARSH! My hair is horribly dry.