Friday 8 June 2012

SuperNatural: Trend or Lifestyle?

Many females are going natural today, some to be healthier, others to embrace their natural curl, and others to grow back their edges, but whatever the case the natural hair phenomenon has taken the world by storm! I went natural seven years ago as a Sophomore at Howard University. I had a lot of reasons for why I went natural, but the main reason was because I hated perms. As a child, I used to despise perms, I hated the ridicule I would receive when I didn't get a touch up and people laughed at your 'kitchen.' I thought yea it's my real hair! I hated the scabs I would get on my head if the perm was left in too long, or having to not scratch my head because I knew it would make my head tender and relaxer burn. All this to look more 'beautiful'?? I hated perms.

I am nine years older than my youngest sister and I used to braid and cornroll her hair as a teenager, one day she came home in the 4th or 5th grade asking my mother to perm her hair. For some reason I was furious, I shouted: "No Mommy don't perm her hair! Leave it alone," but my sister was adamant about relaxing her hair and my mother allowed it. I was angry at the mere age of 15 or so because I now that I think of it was jealous of her hair. I had never known life without a perm. My mother permed my hair from a very young age and all I knew was the relaxer, so I was jealous. My sister and I have very similar hair types soft and curly maybe a 4b/4c pattern.. I was convinced someone in her class made fun of her 'nappy hair' but I didn't say anything to her I was just upset that she wanted to relax her beautiful hair. Years later I would cut my hair off and go natural. I didn't know it was the 'Big Chop' I was just doing what I innately loved, being me in my natural state. I received so much banter from my parents, family and some friends for cutting off my hair. but I didn't care, I have thick skin and shrugged knowing I'd have the last laugh. Now all my sisters are natural, and the natural hair trend is spreading fast!

Everyone cannot be natural, it's a given, but I hope that everyone going natural now isn't for the trend but for the lifestyle and embracing your natural hair pattern. Besides we can always rock weaves, or braids for a more versatile looks. With recent studies showing there may be a link to relaxers and fibroids in African-American women, it makes me think if their is any linkage to relaxers and breast cancer. As a Chemistry major and future Pharmacist, I have thought if I should do a Ph.D on this topic, but thought need a break from education right now.

For all those natural today. Why did you go natural? For the trend or was it a lifestyle change?


Angela said...

Les tenues sont tres styles! J'aime les couleurs!!!

Angela Donava

Anonymous said...

Nice Anon: I didn't go "natural" per se. I went completely bald. Like gorimakpa type of bald and I LOVE it! I just got absolutely and utterly bored out of my mind with braids, perms and every other thing. Braids hurt to put in and the last time I did that I said never again. So now I don't even plan on ever growing my hair out again. Best decision by a long mile :)

Chic Therapy said...

I went natural the because i did not know what my hair looked like without a perm.I wanted to nurture the real hair growing out of my scalp.

Its been three years and sometimes i still get frustrated with it.initially, my frustration stemmed from information overload. I was religiously digesting everything i saw on the various natural hair blogs and trying everything any natural hair 'maven' prescribed.They were times I'd try to make my hair look exactly like what i had seen on these blogs and i would get really angry when my hair did not do what they said it would do .Now, i dont sweat it,I have learned to block out unnecessary information.I have my regime and I stick to it.

With regards to it been a trend, I don't think going natural is the 'in thing'. Social media is just making it seem that way. People have always been natural but the proliferation of bloggers,vloggers and what have you has just put a spot light in it.

Ilynnette said...

My story is similar to yours. I always wanted to be natural, but my parents wouldn't let me. So, as soon as I was independent, I chopped it off. I love my natural hair so much!

Highly Favored said...

Lifestyle for me. I talked about it in one of my blog posts. about 8-9 years ago(before all this attention to natural hair) I started getting this conviction each time I got a perm, that I was alterning the way God made me and this did not sit well with me.

KoredeOjo said...

I went natural because my permed hair was in a sorry hair was breaking and I couldn't leave it out because it was shameful... So I decided to chop it, at the start of my NYSC year (oct 2011).
It seems weird to some people, but its a "me" thing and I love my nappy hair...its a decision, I never regretted. watchin my natural hair grow is a blessing and I can't wait for it to be full, like Solange-ish kinda hair or Corrine bailey rae...I hope I stay strong tho..
Nice writeup...whoosh! Did I just type this?

Ag said...

@Angela - Merci beacoup! c'est très grand être naturel.

@Nice Anon- your short hair looks GOOD on you! I swear if I wasn't getting married next year I would have cut my hair again. I love the short crop! It's so freeing and you can work out without worrying about your hair!!!

@Chic Therapy- I swear we're like sisters! I used to be JUST like you, I went natural didn't know what I was doing, but stopped listening to everybody and the blogs. and just started doing what works for my hair. However, I won't lie some videos and products suggested by people have worked. but I study their hair type and listen to what they 'claim' the product does before I buy something. For example I watched a video the other day and they spoke about clarifying shampoo. when I say that worked WONDERS for me you wouldn't believe it. I'm happy to be natural and learning more and more about my hair! It's a big trend in the UK, mad girls are going natural, and when you ask them why they just shrug. I need to come back to the states to see if it's a 'trend' or so over there, but I do agree social media has hyped it up a bit!

@Llynnette- I would not say my parents wouldn't allow me, they just didn't know and I didn't know. and one day I got fed up. If I cut my hair off at 14 they would have been angry but the damage would have already been done! lol.

@Highly favored- you're beating me by 2 years of being natural! *smile* I agree, I hated perms, although sometimes I secretly want to go back, but I remember how much I hated the process and know I'll miss my afro! Congrats on being natural for almost a decade. Hats off to you!!!! I'm impressed!

@KoredeOjo- You'll be fine!! Just embrace your hair, take care of it. and when you get annoyed or tired of it do protective styles like weaves or braids. In Nigeria, people may look at you weird at times but who cares! I remember when I went back in 2005 I believe my hair was natural with an orange tint. Every time I went to the market looking for fabric, they would shout 'Aunty perm your hair?' I almost snapped a lady once, but then realized they aren't used to women walking around with natural hair I guess. And thanks for saying nice write up!!!

Ag said...

Bumight - I actually loved my perm. Loved d scabs sef, gave me something to do whenever I was bored, and picking at them was "sweet" lol
Went natural cos I had no choice, my hair was badly damaged - not from d perm, but from not taking care of it.
However, I loooove my natural hair - I guess cos I'm getting a lot of attention from it, lol

I deleted bumight's comment by mistake as well blame being half asleep and just waking up!

@Bumight- I did used to pick my scabs back in the day, mainly during boredom as you said. I am glad you like your natural hair!! :)

La Femme Tres Chic said...

I think its becoming a trend but it was always a life style.

La Femme Tres Chic said...

PS I am also team natural. But I think its too much too handle, so I blow out my hair straight every two weeks lol.

Tiabella said...

I love your style that's what really attracted me over to your blog, I love fashion and love your blog :-)
Now in regards to natural either being a trend or a lifestyle I think it's a trending lifestyle. I can speak behalf of the young women who have perms. I can relate to the fact that I have had a perm since an early age. When I read blogs and testimonials like this I feel a lot better about taking the decision to go natural and that there are helpful tips and styles that can help me transition. I tried years ago to go natural but after three months of broken combs and brushes and a lot of tears and frustration I broke down and permed my hair.

I literally have headaches every time I put in a relaxer and no matter how many products I purchase my hair would start breaking. I feel imprisoned and didn't know what else to do until I looked at natural blog sites. I haven't started the process yet but I'm excited . June 1st was the last time I put a perm and today I'm glad to say my natural journey will start. All you naturalistas help give us perm girls strength to make the decision to go natural .... I thank you :-)

Tiabella said...

I love your style that's what really attracted me over to your blog, I love fashion and love your blog :-)
Now in regards to natural either being a trend or a lifestyle I think it's a trending lifestyle. I can speak behalf of the young women who have perms. I can relate to the fact that I have had a perm since an early age. When I read blogs and testimonials like this I feel a lot better about taking the decision to go natural and that there are helpful tips and styles that can help me transition. I tried years ago to go natural but after three months of broken combs and brushes and a lot of tears and frustration I broke down and permed my hair.

I literally have headaches every time I put in a relaxer and no matter how many products I purchase my hair would start breaking. I feel imprisoned and didn't know what else to do until I looked at natural blog sites. I haven't started the process yet but I'm excited . June 1st was the last time I put a perm and today I'm glad to say my natural journey will start. All you naturalistas help give us perm girls strength to make the decision to go natural .... I thank you :-)

Unknown said...

Went natural four or five years ago, I had to wait till I was 17 to get a perm, so turned out, my hair had been in its natural state for longer than it had been permed, I missed the texture, and the I transitioned then chopped it off, haven't looked back since.
