Saturday 24 November 2012

Ag's Natural Hair Products

Hey Everyone I hope you're having a peaceful weekend. I have been getting a lot of request on the products that I use for my hair. Here is a complied list of products I have and that I currently use now.

Clarifying Shampoo: KMS California Clarfying Shampoo
Sulfur Free Shampoo: 6.Renewing Moroccan Argan Oil Shampoo

I really don't have ONE Conditioner, but I always tend to use Cholesterol Conditioners, my mom used to use them on my hair as a kid when it was relaxed, and it still works wonders for my natural hair. I currently use one of these when buying a cholestoral conditioner:
  • 4. Queen Helene Cholesterol Hair Conditioning Cream
  • Le Kair Cholesterol Plus 
  • Proclaim Professional Care Cholesterol (I used this for the first time last week and loved it)
  • I DON'T LIKE: Dark & Lovely's Ultra Cholesterol Conditioner - it didn't seem to leave my hair soft. I was very disappointed; especially as my hair is naturally soft. 
Other conditioners that I've used and generally liked the results of are:
Tresemme used by Professionals for Dry and Brittle Hair
Pantene Pro-V Restoratives Time Renewal Replenishing Mask
Pantene Pro-V Full and Thick Strengthening Intensive Treatment

5. *****Wave Noveau Finishing Moisturizing Lotion by Soft Sheen and Carson*****
IC Shea Butter Oil Moisturizer 
2. Kera Care Hair Milk Daily Hair Sustainer

Edge Control Products:
Olive Oil Edge Control (it doesn't last long in hot climates or if you start to sweat. I use it mainly with protective style)
1. Dr. Miracles Temple and Nape Gro Balm
Dr. Miracles Damaged Hair Medicated Treatment
Follicle Healer Deep Conditioning Treatment
Mahabhringraj Oil
NB: Not sure about how helpful they are as I don't use them consistently but I do love how they make my scalp tingle. Anyone that knows me knows I am very obsessesd with not becoming that girl with no edges. 

Protein Treatments:
I simply use Egg + Mayo 
I also put Infusium 23 in my moisturizer (Wave Noveau)

Natural Shea Butter
Castor Oil
Peppermint Oil
Grapeseed Oil
Almond Oil
Coconut Oil (also the only oil that also moisturizes)

Deep Oil Treatments
3. VOS Hot Oil Treatment
Pink Moisturizer Hot Oil Treatment

If there is ONE product that has made my natural hair regime so much EASIER it's Wave Noveau without it I probably wouldn't enjoy being natural as much as I do. Once I started using it, my hair was significantly softer, easier to manage, and my hair just feels greater overall. But remember this is for my hair. Try some of the these products but if they don't work don't fret, everyone's hair is different, find what works for you. Hopefully this list will help guide you to finding YOUR OWN hair regime. Good Luck and enjoy being Natural!


Mx said...

Thanks for sharing. Will definitely be trying some of these out when I take my weave out. I've been hearing a lot about those Indian oils aswell.

Angela said...

nice products!!

Angela Donava

Angela said...

nice products!!

Angela Donava

Unknown said...

It will be more than 10 years I have not straightened my hair! and it is only this year I decided to take care of them (I've cut since May), but I feel that they do not grow(I'll try your products)!!