Thursday 14 March 2013

The Hat Pack

OutFit Details: La Fenice Venzia Pumps (here), Zara Dress (OLD), COS Peplum Coat (OLD), Vintage Moon Shoulder bag, Vintage Hat + Vintage Earrings get more (here). 

There is nothing like dressing how you want to dress and not how others want you to dress. I used to be afraid of wearing a hat or a big fur collared coat because I didn't want people thinking I am 'doing the most.' As I get older, I am forcing myself to dress how I want to dress, thus becoming more comfortable in my own skin. 

While a lot of us moan about getting older, I think the older we get the more beautiful, self confident and wiser we become. Not only when it comes to fashion but in all areas of our lives. Thus, if you were like me and have some amazing pieces but are too shy to wear them, start wearing them now, because we only live once. Welcome to the Hat Pack where we wear what we want....

1 comment:

Cheryl Lynn Pastor Romance Author said...

I love this post. You are so right. As I become older I recognize my own style more than ever and I realize that I want fashion to be fun for me and not so serious. While I try to be "age appropriate" conscious (I'm 50+), I am now more apt to express the "Wild Child" in me.

Thanks for sharing and your pieces are beautiful.