Mawi's Jewelry is is not but exceptional. I personally cannot stop wearing my Mawi Panther statement necklace, it was worth every cent.When I discovered the opulent clutches that Mawi makes I literally gasped, wondering why I didn't know about them sooner. These beauties so alluring absolutely stunning to say the least.
Wednesday, 31 October 2012
Mawi Infatuation
Mawi's Jewelry is is not but exceptional. I personally cannot stop wearing my Mawi Panther statement necklace, it was worth every cent.When I discovered the opulent clutches that Mawi makes I literally gasped, wondering why I didn't know about them sooner. These beauties so alluring absolutely stunning to say the least.
Growth + Joy
I don't tend to be very personal on my blog at times, because everyone wants to have that ounce of mystery to them every now and then. However, this week I have been looking at my life and those around me and noticed the amount of wisdom I have acquired just by living and taking chances. And if sharing my experiences will help someone else in life, that I will do.
When I was a freshman at Howard, 'the Mecca' at 17, I would have never imagined that the plans I had for my life would not play out exactly how I wanted them to. Yet, the amount of growth and wisdom that I have gained over the years is beyond priceless. I never knew that after completing my Chemistry degree I'd be packing up everything and going to the United Kingdom to start my Pharmacy Degree. I never knew. I remember hating Bradford, missing my family and friends, and crying for weeks on end because of how homesick I was. I remember my second year wanting to quit Pharmacy School, because I didn't think this was the profession for me, as I doodled and sketched more in classes than I took notes. I remember just hating Bradford and wanting to be back home.
Then as time went on, I learned that Bradford was where the Lord needed me to be. You see I had an interview to Kings College School of Pharmacy that I turned down, because I didn't want to be in London as I thought I wouldn't focus, got into Manchester University and that's where I was going to go I told my mother as a recent graduate. One week before travelling out, my mother (she's my anchor) told me I should go to this school called Bradford instead, as they have a 5 years program and it would be better for me in regards to coming back to the States. As she is my mother, and wouldn't steer me wrong intentionally, I listened. And I thank God everyday that I listened, everyday. Because I have met some amazing people in Bradford, had some amazing times, and learned some necessary life lessons.
I used to be so scared of change, I didn't want to be too far away from home. I didn't want my friends to leave to other states or countries, even if it was best for them. I was a selfish and clueless little girl that didn't understand that change can be good, and that God had something bigger in store for me than I could see.
If I was stubborn and didn't listen to my mother, my parents or those with wisdom around me, I wouldn't have met my Mr. Right as I met him in Bradford, I wouldn't have learned the importance of diplomacy + independence, and I wouldn't have gained a Pharmacy Degree. Now I have met some hurdles recently and even gotten angry at the Lord for some things that have happened. But through it all I am happy for growth, I am happy for a sound mind and I am happy for the experiences I have had throughout the last several years that have and continue to make me who I am today. If I had stayed in America, I wouldn't be as happy and as accomplished as I am today.
So to anyone reading this that has the opportunity to make a life changing decision that is hard or that may take you away from your family and friends, pray on that situation. It may hurt in the beginning but trust me that pain is only for a moment. You will gain so much more happiness and joy in the future. Another plus that I gained from moving to the United States was I was able to see people for who they really were. We all have friends, but I was able to realize the people who are my friends and those that are no longer my friends but family. Some people that I never imagined would pick up a phone and call did, and those that I expected to, didn't. It was a really good eye opener for me.
Life isn't about being popular, about money, or about fame (although all those things are great) it's about being happy and working on your relationship with God. I've learned that in my last several years in the UK. Although I may not be where I want to be right now in life, I am happy for the Growth and Joy that I have achieved thus far. I'll leave on this note, a friend once told me: While your beating yourself up about something minuet there are people out there who would love to be in your shoes, so don't ever think God has turned his back on you he hasn't.
Hope you're all having a great week! I am definitely learning a lot this week and that is the beauty of life! To everyone in New Jersey, New York, and my family along the East Coast I am continually praying for you and for my American people. God Bless, we shall rise above the destruction of Hurricane Sandy.
xoxo Ag
Now Playing: 'Be Grateful' - Kurt Carr Project Version
When I was a freshman at Howard, 'the Mecca' at 17, I would have never imagined that the plans I had for my life would not play out exactly how I wanted them to. Yet, the amount of growth and wisdom that I have gained over the years is beyond priceless. I never knew that after completing my Chemistry degree I'd be packing up everything and going to the United Kingdom to start my Pharmacy Degree. I never knew. I remember hating Bradford, missing my family and friends, and crying for weeks on end because of how homesick I was. I remember my second year wanting to quit Pharmacy School, because I didn't think this was the profession for me, as I doodled and sketched more in classes than I took notes. I remember just hating Bradford and wanting to be back home.
Then as time went on, I learned that Bradford was where the Lord needed me to be. You see I had an interview to Kings College School of Pharmacy that I turned down, because I didn't want to be in London as I thought I wouldn't focus, got into Manchester University and that's where I was going to go I told my mother as a recent graduate. One week before travelling out, my mother (she's my anchor) told me I should go to this school called Bradford instead, as they have a 5 years program and it would be better for me in regards to coming back to the States. As she is my mother, and wouldn't steer me wrong intentionally, I listened. And I thank God everyday that I listened, everyday. Because I have met some amazing people in Bradford, had some amazing times, and learned some necessary life lessons.
I used to be so scared of change, I didn't want to be too far away from home. I didn't want my friends to leave to other states or countries, even if it was best for them. I was a selfish and clueless little girl that didn't understand that change can be good, and that God had something bigger in store for me than I could see.
If I was stubborn and didn't listen to my mother, my parents or those with wisdom around me, I wouldn't have met my Mr. Right as I met him in Bradford, I wouldn't have learned the importance of diplomacy + independence, and I wouldn't have gained a Pharmacy Degree. Now I have met some hurdles recently and even gotten angry at the Lord for some things that have happened. But through it all I am happy for growth, I am happy for a sound mind and I am happy for the experiences I have had throughout the last several years that have and continue to make me who I am today. If I had stayed in America, I wouldn't be as happy and as accomplished as I am today.
So to anyone reading this that has the opportunity to make a life changing decision that is hard or that may take you away from your family and friends, pray on that situation. It may hurt in the beginning but trust me that pain is only for a moment. You will gain so much more happiness and joy in the future. Another plus that I gained from moving to the United States was I was able to see people for who they really were. We all have friends, but I was able to realize the people who are my friends and those that are no longer my friends but family. Some people that I never imagined would pick up a phone and call did, and those that I expected to, didn't. It was a really good eye opener for me.
Life isn't about being popular, about money, or about fame (although all those things are great) it's about being happy and working on your relationship with God. I've learned that in my last several years in the UK. Although I may not be where I want to be right now in life, I am happy for the Growth and Joy that I have achieved thus far. I'll leave on this note, a friend once told me: While your beating yourself up about something minuet there are people out there who would love to be in your shoes, so don't ever think God has turned his back on you he hasn't.
Hope you're all having a great week! I am definitely learning a lot this week and that is the beauty of life! To everyone in New Jersey, New York, and my family along the East Coast I am continually praying for you and for my American people. God Bless, we shall rise above the destruction of Hurricane Sandy.
xoxo Ag
Now Playing: 'Be Grateful' - Kurt Carr Project Version
Monday, 29 October 2012
Test + Trails
Outfit Details: Asos Peplum Blouse on sale (here), Primark Polka Dot Slacks Similar(here), YSL Heels Similar (here), Zara Neckalce (Sold Out Online) but I like this (here)
I wore this Peplum Blouse from ASOS with these Polka Dot Primark Pants (for those of you in the UK, Primark is stepping there game up a little bit now aren't they?). As I have a pear shape, I shy away from slacks or pants that have pockets as they can make your hips appear bigger. However, I loved these Polka Dot Pants that I went against that rule and wore them with this top, something I would normally never do. In the end I think it turned out great.
So Curvy Girl Dressing Tip #1. If you have large hips or a pear shape like myself try to stay away from slacks with pockets as they make your bottom half look bigger. If you are slim and want to try a piece of clothing that will make your bottom half appear fuller, pocket slacks are the perfect trick to give a sexy illusion. I hope your weekend was great. Although, I got some news that I was distraught over on Friday, I heard my future mother in law telling me that life goes on. Test + Trails come in all shapes and sizes!
For everyone in the States on the East Coast, I hope you've bought enough water and can goods in preparation for Hurricane Sandy. I called my family yesterday and thus far everyone is okay! God Bless!
Photographer: Oluwatosin Ogunlesi
Friday, 26 October 2012
Orange Friday
Outfit Details: Turtle Neck Top (Old Urban Outfitters USA), Gap UK Orange Ankle Slacks (similar: here), Zara Bag (here), Chanel Brogues (Old), and Vintage Sunglasses (similar: here + here)
There are times when you just want to be comfortable no heels, no tight dress, just simple and comfortable. These Chanel Brogues allow me to do my daily errands and still be a little chic, not to mention the orange Gap Ankle Slacks brighten up the deary weather in the UK. Have a great weekend.
There are times when you just want to be comfortable no heels, no tight dress, just simple and comfortable. These Chanel Brogues allow me to do my daily errands and still be a little chic, not to mention the orange Gap Ankle Slacks brighten up the deary weather in the UK. Have a great weekend.
Photographer: Oluwatosin Ogunlesi
Thursday, 25 October 2012
Brace Yourself
There is nothing like a bracelet that is an exquisite amalgamation of jewels, metal, and rope.This bracelet is modern perfection with a vintage twist. I collect Vintage rope belts so this bracelet caught my eyes immediately. A simple way to spruce up a simple outfit.
Get the Bracelet: (here)
Tuesday, 23 October 2012
Stick Your Neck Out
Statement necklaces are always a beautiful additional to a simple outfit. What's better than a beautiful statement necklace? A Statement necklace that doesn't break your pockets! My sister asked me to buy her a couple of blouses from the Forever 21 site for her birthday and I agreed, then I saw all these beautiful Necklaces. I had to get a couple. Here are the lovely necklaces that I think are worth the money....if not more!
Necklace 2 Sold Out
Necklace 4 Sold Out
Necklace 6 Sold Out
Necklace 7 Sold Out
For other Accessories Check Below
Jeweled Belt
OutFit Details: American Apparel Leotard: (here), Vintage Jeweled Belt (similar here), Vintage Lame Paisley Liberty Skirt (similar here) + MiuMiu Ankle Strapped Heels (similar here) + (here).
I noticed that lately the bulk of my money goes to accessories. Shoes, Bags, and Jewelry. My clothing is usually High Street or Vintage. I don't really spend money on Designer Apparel. I have a few Designer pieces here and there but not many. This may change in the future but for now I like being able to make outfits stand out more with out-lavish and beautiful I believe they complete your outfit, making your high street pieces pop all the more.
Photographer: Oluwatosin Ogunlesi
Monday, 22 October 2012
No Lie

Outfit Details: Asos Sweatshirt Sold Out, Zara Slacks, DIY Mini Spiked Bag, Miu Miu Sneakers, Citizen Watch and Assorted Rings
So if you don't already know I am a PROUD Howard University Alumni, and I made the stupid mistake of not booking a ticket for this years Homecoming. For the first time in 5 years I was able to go as I have graduated, thus no classes. Not to mention, my High School's reunion landed on the same weekend, yet I was not motivated to go, for whatever reason. I think the truth is, I opted not to go because I want to go home for Thanksgiving. Due to Pharmacy School, I wasn't able to go home for Thanksgiving for the last 5 years.
...Then I regretted not booking a ticket for Homecoming as I saw one of my favorite rappers 2Chainz performed during the Yardfest and brought Drake + Pusha T twitter feeds were blowing up. I cried inside and had to resort to watching the performances on Youtube. Epic fail. My fiance heard me moaning all weekend, I've been playing 2Chainz nonstop ever since. I have to make myself feel better one way or the other. Oh you didn't think I liked 2Chainz? Ha ha you learn something new about Ag ever day! *wink*
Remember growing up you used to hear all that nonsense about guys not liking girls that listen to rap? That was a bunch of garbage. If you like Rap, Rock, Jazz, or whatever don't ever change because a guy claims he doesn't like girls that do this or that, if they are attracted to you, they'll like you. My Fiance looks at me like the 'Nigerian-American Wonder,' because I can be listening to Wiz Kid and Davido and in a heart switch to listening to Wale, Future, or 2Chainz, then end the night listening to The Foreign Exchange, Dwele or Vivian Green. He loves me, for me.....No Lie.
Photographer: Oluwatosin Ogunlesi
Friday, 19 October 2012
Bow Down
Whenever a new trend or shoe style of the moment comes into play, I seem to be attracted to the flat shoes the most, but I always hunt for a vintage shoe or shoe that resembles that trend, that many people won't have. Blame this longing to be 'exclusive' on growing up in the DMV (Washington, D.C. area). In high school, everyone was dressing the same way. From then I always tried to find different things that let me blend in a bit but also stand out.
I love loafers, it's the inner tomboy in me and this season they have girly twist, the Bow. Bow Down to these beauties as they are the perfect combination of sleek and casual. Most trends today are being repeated nothing is really new anymore, thus there is most likely a vintage make or model of current trends. I have been in love with the Lanvin + MiuMiu Bow loafers, it was love at first sight, but I was waiting to catch a nice sale, as I didn't think it was worth paying the full price. One day when I was searching for Vintage items online for one of my clients I saw these beautiful Christian Dior Bow Flats. I had to have them, I was bidding on my phone on Ebay during an Urhobo party in cousin called me a shoe addict. I stuck my tongue out at him when I won!
My New Best Friends, I'm slowly becoming a Shoe Addict.
Thursday, 18 October 2012
Embellish Me
Embellished Bags + Clutches they brighten up your outfit and makes you look elegant instantly. Where them with art deco jewelry, Prints, Lace or Leather Pieces to complete your look. Whether you decide to save, splurge or simply admire these beauties; embellished bags are the candy to satisfy any fashion craving.
Get Yellow Lanvin Bag
Get Asos Sequin Clutch
Get Green Matthew Williamson Clutch
Get Prada Lilac Shoulder Bag
Get Anya Hindmarch Silver Glitter Clutch
Get Arden B Green + Jewelled Clutch
Get Wine Lanvin Bag
Tuesday, 16 October 2012
Fashion the Smart Way
I for one am not rich (yet *smile*), contrary to what my blogger friends believe (cough cough SkinnyHispter, for one) I just know how to shop, and shop a little bit too much for that matter, so I can speak from experience do not be like me! SAVE! At the moment, I am clearing out my closet (yes again). Because who really needs this many clothes I tell myself, and those clothes could possibly be money in my account.
Here are a couple of tips I have learned over the last years.
Keep your clothes in impeccable condition. You never know when you'll be able to re-sell your items. You can sell those Paige Jeans, that Vintage Fendi Bag and yes even that Forever21 dress if you keep your items in pristine condition.
Places to sell online:
Ebay - They take 10% of whatever you sell and the rest is yours. I always try to sell on Ebay before I give to charity. I'll share tips with you later.
Constorium Stores - in the DMV area there is Mustard Seed; however, don't let your clothes go for dirt cheap. Bargain with them, and if you aren't happy with the prices they offer you, you don't have to sell them.
Your Blog - If you are a Blogger use your blogging space. Now I have seen some big time bloggers sell ugly Chanel heels for $500.00 and I think to myself, ha ha yea right! And sure enough no one buys them, because think about it you can get a pair of NEW Louboutin's or Lanvin Sneakers for that price at The Saks Outlet store. Thus, Price your clothes reasonably.
Don't just buy something because I am wearing it, Khloe Kardiashan is wearing it, or the popular girl from your school is rocking it. Buy it because YOU like it. Because you know what will happen? You'll wear it once and then it will never be worn again. Also don't buy something just because it's cheap, a bargain, or on-sale. Ask yourself do I really need that and would I have bought it full price, if the answer is no, don't buy it.
Never buy something just because it's DESIGNER, nine times out of ten, there is something similar on the high streets. Buy designers that have longevity and that you will be able to re-sell, if and when you get tired of it. Brands that I think (thus my own personal opinion) possess this trait are Chanel, Louis Vuitton, YSL, Prada, Gucci, Fendi and Alaia. I have for one have been battling with my friend about whether I should I buy a Celine Bag or Chanel bag for my birthday. Every time I enter Harvey Nichols I almost close my eyes and just buy the Celine Bag, but my friend says Ag it's a trendy bag it won't be the hype for long, invest in a Chanel. Chanel is the only Brand that I have seen that is timeless and everyone knows. Even your unfashionable neighbor knows and can appreciate Chanel. A singer, that I met once bought a Chanel Watch for let's say $10,000 years ago. She then wanted to sell it, the watch had appreciated and the buying price was $15,000, that is $5,000 more. Thus, be smart about your huge designer purchases because one day you just might want to re-sell them. Also find out the Brands Care Policy. I'll talk about that in a future post.
As a free-lance designer I should not be saying this but if and when you can avoid it, NEVER buy designer goods full price....NEVER!
Let me tell you a story, when I was a sophomore at Howard University back in the states, I had a FLY friend let's call her Folake and she loved designer jeans. I graced the campus of HU from 2002 to 2006 and that was when every girl was rocking or wanted to rock: Seven for all Mankind, Paige, Citizens, True Religions, Earnest Sewn, Earl, Miss Sixty's and many more. Designer jeans were IN! But I NEVER spent $200+ on them and never will, you know why? Because Loemann's, Filenn's Basement and shoot sometimes even Marshall's had those same jeans for HALF the price at $70-$100.00. Folake nearly choked on her cocktail at dinner when I told her I only paid $100.00 for the Paige jeans at Loemann's as she was rocking those same jeans that she paid full price for. She couldn't believe it, from that day on whenever I spoke about a fabulous find, she listened!
Secondly, most brands do go on sale, yes even Chanel (but not their Classic Designs), and with SO MANY websites now that sell designer goods for sometimes up to 40% off why not wait for sales?
Last but not least be nice when shopping, chat with sales clerks and floor reps in stores, it pays off. I don't know but during my last 5 years in the United Kingdom I have become very bold + outgoing, maybe it's an American trait, but if I want something or I am curious... I ask! This is good because you become and 'insider' they tell you about sales, discounts, and tips around the store! You'd be amazed! I don't know if the British just like hearing my American Accent but it works for me. Once I went into Reiss to buy these two coats, I left and I couldn't stop thinking about this coat and the jacket. Even on sale they were still quite steep but the Old Ag had to have them. I then started talking to the Clerk which happened to be the store manager. He laughed when I said I was a Student, he said, "a student with Expensive taste" laughing. He then gave me 10% off and gave me a card that would give me 10% off whenever I shopped in the store! Just because I said hello, and I was curious about where he was from. Although my fiance believed it was because he was trying to 'toast me' or 'chat me up' but he wasn't he was just nice, because I was nice!
Another time I went into TM. Lewin to buy my fiance a shirt, they were having a sale and I asked about a particular cut, and said darn okay I'll come back tomorrow. He then whispered I'm not supposed to tell you this but tomorrow the shirts go down even more. I smiled and winked at him. Last but not least never be afraid to ask when or if something will go on sale. Before I coughed up the money for the Miu Miu Sneakers that I bought earlier this year, I went into Miu Miu in London to ask, if they were on 'the list' of items that would be going on sale the day after Christmas. I mean these shoes had been on my mind for four months and I just couldn't shake them. The store clerk said no, and they are almost sold out. I found myself on a mission to find those shoes and got them unfortunately for full price but I asked before I bought them.
So you see, shopping can be hard or detrimental to your bank account but it doesn't have to be! All in all you should have fun with it. Be outgoing, be smart but most of all remember Fashion can be an Investment! If you are going to buy designer goods buy brands that you can get a similar if not higher return on, or when there is a discount involved.
You work hard for your money, so it should be hard for you to let it go! ~Ag
Monday, 15 October 2012
Vintage Black America
As an avid lover of all things vintage, looking at these vintage photographs makes me appreciate the history and fashion sense of the African American Community and Black People in the Diaspora as a whole. As many sectors, seek to not glorify the good, these photos show the dignity, impeccable fashion sense, and history of Black America. I wish could enter a time machine, going back to the 60's + 70's to experience Vintage Black America. It would have been everything I could have imagined and more. Now if only my mother would have saved more of her fabulous 70's/80's wardrobe for my sister's and I!
Friday, 12 October 2012
Electric White Beetle
Outfit Details: Tee Shirt American Apparel, Cos Skinny Pants, Zara Peplum Jacket get similar here: Peplum Jacket, Zara Studded Loafers, Vintage Gucci Shoulder bag and Sunglasses!
I was never a fan of white sunglasses, I felt they never look good on me or anyone else for that matter, one exception; however, is the Prada 'Minimal Baroque Sunglasses Range.' So when I received various Vintage Sunglasses that I purchased from the states a month or so ago, I was surprised that I fell in love with these white vintage sunglasses. They make me look like a beetle, but I love them! Do you like White Sunglasses or you'd rather pass?
It's Friday, Finally!!! I am off to Edinburgh... have a Blessed Weekend!!
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